Ebooks and Audiobooks
how to use press reader: help guide
Movies and Music
how to use hoopla help guide
how to use canopy: help guide guide
Newsbank offers a variety of newspapers. Click on the following links to view: Press of Atlantic City Philadelphia Inquirer New Jersey Newspapers How to access news bank: help guide.
The New York Times
Click on the the NYT image to access from home:
To Acces NYtimes in the Library, click on the link
Pressreader provides access to a variety of different magazines and newspapers.
Click on the image to access: how to access press reader: help guide
The Wall Street Journal. Please click on the image to access the link:
Book Reviews
Genealogy: Click on the following link to access ancestry: accessancestry
HeritageQuest is a great resource for genealogy questions as well. Click on the image to access:
Newspapers.com by Ancestry-Newspapers Career
how to use press reader: help guide
Intro to Overdrive Help Video
Intro to Overdrie Help Video 2
Intro to PressReader
Intro to PressReader 2
Intro to NYTimes
Intro to Hoopla